Contest Rules

Entry Rules

  • Submissions content can be in either photo or video format.
  • Entrants are allowed to upload two (2) entries per calendar day per email.
  • All submissions are subject to administrator review.
  • Any submission may be removed without notice for any reason.
  • Submissions flagged for review by administrators will be evaluated and removed if an administrator deems the submission promotes or contains any of the following:
    • Nudity or Sexual Content
    • Violence
    • Contains Hateful Content
    • Harassment or Bullying
    • False Information
    • Terrorism
    • Child Abuse or Self-Abuse
    • Unauthorized Sales
    • Harmful or Dangerous Acts

Voting Rules

  • A site visitor can vote one time (1) for a single submission every 24 hours.
  • A site visitor can vote for an unlimited number of entries per 24 hours.
  • Votes are finalized after 24 hours.
    • If a site visitor votes for a submission they have 24 hours to un-vote for that same submission.
    • Removing votes can be performed by clicking the "heart" button or "Daily Vote Received" in the pop-up submissions menu.

Winner Selection

  • Every contest will end at 00:00 the day after the contest is scheduled to end.
    • For example, if a contest ends on August 8th, 2023, submissions will be accepted until 23:59:59 on August 8th, 2023. Submissions will then be closed at 00:00:00 on August 9th, 2023.
  • When a contest has concluded, voting will be disabled for all submissions to that concluded contest.
  • After the contest closes, a manual process of validating submissions will lead to winner selection.
  • Contest winners will receive a coupon code in the email provided along with the submission media in the entry submission form.