Privacy Policy

At Sizzle, our fundamental philosophy is “Users first.” That value powers all of the decisions we make, including how we gather and respect your personal information. We’ve crafted the policy below to be as clear and straightforward as possible. Our aim is for you—our Users—to always feel informed and empowered with respect to your privacy on Sizzle.


Last revised: April 26, 2022

Sizzle is a unique promotional platform for—Sellers—brands, services, companies, institutions, individuals, and organizations to connect with Sizzle Users in fun and stimulating ways using the Sizzle Offer Engine to deliver pull advertising experiences to Users.

Sizzle’s Mission: Imagination, Innovation, Inspiration Promoting Sustainable, Inclusive Culture.

Sizzle accomplishes this by allowing Sellers to use the Sizzle technology platform consisting of augmented reality technologies, games, streaming media systems, paired with the other Offer Trigger Systems and promotional tools to promote themselves by allowing the Sellers to be more actionable, interactive, transactional, and thereby, successful. Our Sellers share their promotional messages and offers, engage with Users, post and view relevant content, study data relating to their campaign results, and much more. A Seller may either use Sizzle on a professional basis (“Enterprise Seller”), seeking to deliver their offer to an audience or on a personal basis (“User”) seeking to engage with the offers on Sizzle. Many of our Sellers use Sizzle in both a professional and personal capacity. We believe that our services allow our Sellers to effectively promote themselves to their greatest potential. The cornerstone of our business is to make our Sellers successful.

We protect your personal information using industry-standard safeguards.

We may share your information with your consent or as required by law, and we will always let you know when we make significant changes to this Privacy Policy.

Sizzle participates in the EU-U.S. and Swiss U.S. Privacy Shield.

Maintaining your trust is our top priority, so we adhere to the following principles to protect your privacy:

  • We protect your personal information and will only provide it to third parties: (1) with your consent; (2) where it is necessary to carry out your instructions; (3) as reasonably necessary in order to provide our features and functionality to you; (4) when we reasonably believe it is required by law, subpoena or other legal process; or (5) as necessary to enforce our User Agreement or protect the rights, property, or safety of Sizzle, our Users and Sellers, and the public.
  • We have implemented appropriate security safeguards designed to protect your information in accordance with industry standards.

This Privacy Policy applies to,, and the Sizzle mobile applications, and all other Sizzle websites, apps, developer platforms, and other products and services (collectively the “Services”). We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time, and if we make material changes to it, we will provide notice through our Service, or by other means so that you may review the changes before you continue to use our Services. If you object to any changes, you may close your account. Continuing to use our Services after we publish or communicate a notice about any changes to this Privacy Policy means that you are consenting to the changes.

What personal information about users does Sizzle collect?

We collect your personal information in order to provide and continually improve our products and services.

Here are the types of personal information we collect:

  • Information You Give Us: We receive and store any information you provide in relation to Sizzle Services. Read below to see examples of what we collect. You can choose not to provide certain information, but then you might not be able to take advantage of many of our Sizzle Services.
  • Automatic Information: We automatically collect and store certain types of information about your use of Sizzle Services, including information about your interaction with content and services available through Sizzle Services. Like many websites, we use “cookies” and other unique identifiers, and we obtain certain types of information when your web browser or device accesses Sizzle Services and other content served by or on behalf of Sizzle on other websites. Read below to see examples of what we collect.
  • Information from Other Sources: We might receive information about you from other sources, such as updated delivery and address information from our carriers, which we use to correct our records and deliver your next purchase more easily. Read below to see additional examples of the information we receive.
  • Face Data: We might receive facial data information when you use SizzleFX augmented reality face masks, or if you participate in a game that uses retina tracking, or if you participate in a marketing survey that uses expression recognition. This data is not stored in the Sizzle system, it is held temporarily while your experience is running and is not stored on any drive or storage device within the Sizzle Platform. Prior to this happening, you will be required to grant permission for Sizzle to access your facial data and you are free to not grant this permission, but it will eliminate the chance to use these features requiring facial data in the Sizzle App. This data is never stored, never shared and never retained by Sizzle after the completion of the game or experience you are participating in while using the Sizzle App.

For what purposes does Sizzle use your personal information?

We use your personal information to operate, provide, develop, and improve the products and services that we offer our customers. These purposes include:

  • Purchase and delivery of products and services. We use your personal information to take and handle orders, deliver products and services, process payments, and communicate with you about orders, products and services, and promotional offers.
  • Provide, troubleshoot, and improve Sizzle Services. We use your personal information to provide functionality, analyze performance, fix errors, and improve the usability and effectiveness of the Sizzle Services.
  • Recommendations and personalization. We use your personal information to recommend features, products, and services that might be of interest to you, identify your preferences, and personalize your experience with Sizzle Services.
  • Provide image and camera services. When you use our image and camera services, we use your face data, images, videos, and other personal information to respond to your requests, provide the requested service to you, and improve our services.
  • Comply with legal obligations. In certain cases, we collect and use your personal information to comply with laws. For instance, we collect from sellers information regarding place of establishment and bank account information for identity verification and other purposes.
  • Communicate with you. We use your personal information to communicate with you in relation to Sizzle Services via different channels (e.g., by phone, email, chat).
  • Advertising. We use your personal information to display interest-based ads for features, offers, products, and services that might be of interest to you. We do not use information that personally identifies you to display interest-based ads. To learn more, please read our Interest-Based Ads explanation below.
  • Fraud Prevention and Credit Risks. We use personal information to prevent and detect fraud and abuse in order to protect the security of our customers, Sizzle, and others. We may also use scoring methods to assess and manage credit risks.

What about cookies and other identifiers?

To enable our systems to recognize your browser or device and to provide and improve Sizzle Services, we use cookies and other identifiers. For more information about cookies and how we use them, please read our Cookies Notice below.

Does Sizzle share your personal information?

Information about our customers is an important part of our business, and we are not in the business of selling our customers’ personal information to others. We share customers’ personal information only as described below and with subsidiaries, Inc. controls that either are subject to this Privacy Notice or follow practices at least as protective as those described in this Privacy Notice.

  • Transactions involving Third Parties: We make available to you services, products, applications, or skills provided by third parties for use on or through Sizzle Services. For example, you can order products from third parties through our stores. We also offer services, experiences or sell product lines jointly with third-party businesses. In most cases, that is the business who invited you download Sizzle to explore your first experience or offer in Sizzle or to visit their store in You can tell when a third party is involved in your transactions, and we share customers’ personal information related to those transactions with that third party.
  • Third-Party Service Providers: We employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include fulfilling orders for products or services, delivering packages, sending postal mail and email, removing repetitive information from customer lists, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, providing search results and links (including paid listings and links), processing payments, transmitting content, scoring, assessing and managing credit risk, and providing customer service. These third-party service providers have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes.
  • Business Transfers: As we continue to develop our business, we might sell or buy other businesses or services. In such transactions, customer information generally is one of the transferred business assets but remains subject to the promises made in any pre-existing Privacy Notice (unless, of course, the customer consents otherwise). Also, in the unlikely event that Sizzle Inc. or substantially all of its assets are acquired, customer information will of course be one of the transferred assets.
  • Protection of Sizzle and Others: We release account and other personal information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law; enforce or apply our Conditions of Use and other agreements; or protect the rights, property, or safety of Sizzle, our users, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

Other than as set out above, you will receive notice when personal information about you might be shared with third parties, and you will have an opportunity to choose not to share the information.

How secure is information about me?

We design our systems with your security and privacy in mind.

  • We work to protect the security of your personal information during transmission by using encryption protocols and software.
  • We follow the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) when handling credit card data.
  • We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage, and disclosure of customer personal information. Our security procedures mean that we may ask to verify your identity before we disclose personal information to you.
  • Our devices offer security features to protect them against unauthorized access and loss of data. You can control these features and configure them based on your needs.
  • It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computers, devices, and applications. We recommend using a unique password for your Sizzle account that is not used for other online accounts. Be sure to sign off when finished using a shared computer.

What about advertising?

  • Third-Party Advertisers and Links to Other Websites: Sizzle Services may include third-party advertising and links to other websites and apps. Third-party advertising partners may collect information about you when you interact with their content, advertising, and services. For more information about third-party advertising at Sizzle, including interest-based ads, please read our Interest-Based Offers explanation below.
  • Use of Third-Party Advertising Services: We provide ad companies with information that allows them to serve you with more useful and relevant Sizzle ads and to measure their effectiveness. We never share your name or other information that directly identifies you when we do this. Instead, we use an advertising identifier like a cookie or other device identifier. For example, if you have already downloaded one of our apps, we will share your advertising identifier and data about that event so that you will not be served an ad to download the app again. Some ad companies also use this information to serve you relevant ads from other advertisers. You can learn more about how to opt-out of interest-based advertising by going to the Advertising Preferences below.

What information can I access?

You can access your information, including your name, address, payment options, profile information, and purchase history in the “Your Account” section of the website.

What choices do I have?

If you have any questions as to how we collect and use your personal information, please read this document thoroughly. Many of our Sizzle Services also include settings that provide you with options as to how your information is being used.

  • As described above, you can choose not to provide certain information, but then you might not be able to take advantage of many of the Sizzle Services.
  • You can add or update certain information on pages such as those referenced in Examples of Information Collected below. When you update information, we usually keep a copy of the prior version for our records.
  • If you do not want to receive email or other communications from us, please adjust your Customer Communication Preferences. If you don’t want to receive in-app notifications from us, please adjust your notification settings in the app or device.
  • If you do not want to see interest-based ads, please adjust your preferences for Interest-Based Ads.
  • The Help feature on most browsers and devices will tell you how to prevent your browser or device from accepting new cookies or other identifiers, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to block cookies altogether. Because cookies and identifiers allow you to take advantage of some essential features of Sizzle Services, we recommend that you leave them turned on. For instance, if you block or otherwise reject our cookies, you will not be able to add items to your Shopping Cart, proceed to Checkout, or use any Services that require you to Sign in. For more information about cookies and other identifiers, see our Cookies Notice below.
  • If you want to browse our websites without linking the browsing history to your account, you may do so by logging out of your account here and blocking cookies on your browser.
  • You can manage the recommendations you receive in our store here, remove recommendations you don’t want to see here by selecting View All and Manage then selecting the Remove Items toggle that appears at the top of the page, and edit your browsing history here.
  • You will also be able to opt out of certain other types of data usage by updating your settings on the applicable Sizzle website (e.g., in “Manage Your Content and Devices”), device, or application. For more information click here. Most non-Sizzle devices also provide users with the ability to change device permissions (e.g., disable/access location services, contacts). For most devices, these controls are located in the device’s settings menu. If you have questions about how to change your device permissions on devices manufactured by third parties, we recommend you contact your mobile service carrier or your device manufacturer.
  • If you are a seller, you can add or update certain information in your Enterprise account dashboard, update your account information and adjust your email or other communications you receive from us.

In addition, to the extent required by applicable law, you may have the right to request access to or delete your personal information. If you wish to do any of these things, please contact Customer Service. Depending on your data choices, certain services may be limited or unavailable.

Are children allowed to use Sizzle Services?

Sizzle does not sell products for purchase by children. We sell children’s products for purchase by adults. If you are under 18, you may use Sizzle Services only with the involvement of a parent or guardian. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13 without the consent of the child’s parent or guardian. For more information, please see our Children’s Privacy Disclosure below.

California Consumer Privacy Act

Scroll down below to read additional disclosures required under the California Consumer Privacy Act.

Conditions of use, Notices, and Revisions

If you choose to use Sizzle Services, your use and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Notice and our Conditions of Use , including limitations on damages, resolution of disputes, and application of the law of the state of California. If you have any concern about privacy at Sizzle, please contact us with a thorough description, and we will try to resolve it. Our business changes constantly, and our Privacy Notice will change also. You should check our websites frequently to see recent changes. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Notice applies to all information that we have about you and your account. We stand behind the promises we make, however, and will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of customer information collected in the past without the consent of affected customers.

Examples of information collected

Information You Give Us When You Use Sizzle Services

You provide information to us when you:

  • search or shop for products or services in our stores;
  • add or remove an item from your cart, or place an order through or use Sizzle Services;
  • download, stream, view, or use content on a device or through a service or application on a device;
  • provide information in Your Account (and you might have more than one if you have used more than one email address or mobile number when shopping with us);
  • talk to or otherwise interact with our Voice service;
  • upload your contacts;
  • configure your settings on, provide data access permissions for, or interact with an Sizzle device or service;
  • provide information in your Enterprise Seller Account;
  • offer your products or services on or through Sizzle Services;
  • communicate with us by phone, email, or otherwise;
  • complete a questionnaire, a support ticket, or a contest entry form;
  • upload or stream images, videos or other files to any Sizzle Services;
  • use our services such as Sizzle Concierge;
  • compile Playlists, Watchlists, or gift registries;
  • participate in community features;
  • provide and rate Reviews;
  • specify a Special Occasion Reminder; or
  • create custom SizzleFX and share them to social media
  • grant access to retina tracking or facial recognition to play games
  • Identify your current physical location to access geo-specific offers
  • identify your location when you scan a Sizzle target
  • identify your location when you listen to a Sizzle audio signal

As a result of those actions, you might supply us with such information as:

  • identifying information such as your name, address, and phone numbers;
  • payment information;
  • your age;
  • your location information;
  • your IP address;
  • people, addresses and phone numbers listed in your Addresses;
  • email addresses of your friends and other people;
  • content of reviews and emails to us;
  • personal description and photograph in Your Profile;
  • face data recorded when using SizzleFX augmented reality face masks
  • voice recordings when you speak to Sizzle;
  • images and videos collected or stored in connection with Sizzle Services;
  • information and documents regarding identity, including Social Security and driver’s license numbers;
  • corporate and financial information;
  • credit history information; and
  • device log files and configurations, including Wi-Fi credentials, if you choose to automatically synchronize them with your other Sizzle devices.

Automatic information

Examples of the information we collect and analyze include:

  • the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet;
  • login, email address, and password;
  • the location of your device or computer;
  • content interaction information, such as content downloads, streams, and playback details, including duration and number of simultaneous streams and downloads, and network details for streaming and download quality, including information about your internet service provider;
  • device metrics such as when a device is in use, application usage, connectivity data, and any errors or event failures;
  • Sizzle Services metrics (e.g., the occurrences of technical errors, your interactions with service features and content, your settings preferences and backup information, location of your device running an application, information about uploaded images and files such as the file name, dates, times and location of your images);
  • version and time zone settings;
  • purchase and content use history, which we sometimes aggregate with similar information from other customers to create features like Top Sellers;
  • the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) clickstream to, through, and from our websites, including date and time; products and content you viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, and page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs);
  • phone numbers used to call our customer service number; and
  • images or videos when you shop in our stores, or stores using Sizzle Services.

We may also use device identifiers, cookies, and other technologies on devices, applications, and our web pages to collect browsing, usage, or other technical information.

Information from other sources

Examples of information we receive from other sources include:

  • updated delivery and address information from our carriers or other third parties, which we use to correct our records and deliver your next purchase or communication more easily;
  • account information, purchase or redemption information, and page-view information from some merchants with which we operate co-branded businesses or for which we provide technical, fulfillment, advertising, or other services;
  • information about your interactions with products and services offered by our subsidiaries;
  • search results and links, including paid listings (such as Sponsored Links); and
  • credit history information from credit bureaus, which we use to help prevent and detect fraud and to offer certain credit or financial services to some customers.

Information you can access

Examples of information you can access through Sizzle Services include:

  • status of recent orders (including subscriptions);
  • your complete order history;
  • personally identifiable information (including name, email, password, and address book);
  • payment settings (including payment card information, promotional certificate and gift card balances, and 1-Click settings);
  • email notification settings (including Product Availability Alerts, Delivers, Special Occasion Reminders and newsletters);
  • recommendations and the products you recently viewed that are the basis for recommendations (including Recommended for You and Improve Your Recommendations);
  • shopping lists and gift registries (including Wish Lists and Baby and Wedding Registries);
  • your content, devices, services, and related settings, and communications and personalized advertising preferences;
  • content that you recently viewed;
  • Your Profile (including your product Reviews, Recommendations, Reminders and personal profile);
  • If you are a seller, you can access your account and other information, and adjust your communications preferences, by updating your account in your Enterprise Seller Account Dashboard.

Interest-Based Offers

Interest-based offers are sometimes referred to as personalized or targeted offers. We show interest-based offers to display features, products, and services that might be of interest to you. In providing interest-based offers, we follow the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising developed by the Digital Advertising Alliance (a coalition of marketing, online advertising, and consumer advocacy organizations).

What sort of information do we use to show interest-based offers?

To serve you interest-based offers, we use information such as your interactions with Sizzle sites, content, or services. We do not use information which on its own identifies you, such as name or e-mail address, to serve interest-based offers.

As is common in the advertising industry, we use cookies, pixels, and other technologies (collectively, “cookies”), which enable us to understand the effectiveness of the interest-based offers we show you by measuring what offers are clicked or viewed, and to provide you with more useful and relevant offers. For example, if we know what offers are shown to your browser we can be careful not to show the same offers repeatedly. See our Privacy Notice for more information about the types of information that we gather.

How do we work with third parties to show you interest-based offers?

We work with third parties, such as advertisers, publishers, social media networks, search engines, ad serving companies, and advertising companies working on their behalf, to improve the relevance of offers we serve. In providing you interest-based offers we do not associate your interactions on unaffiliated sites with information which on its own identifies you, such as name or email address, and we do not provide any such information to advertisers or to third-party sites that display our interest-based offers. Advertisers and other third parties may assume that users who interact with or click on an interest-based offer or content are part of the group that the offer or content is directed towards (for example, users in a particular geographical area or users who purchased or browsed for classical music).

Third party advertisers or advertising companies working on their behalf sometimes use cookies in the process of delivering content, including ads, directly to your browser or device, and they may automatically receive an IP address when this happens. They may also use cookies to measure the effectiveness of their ads, show you more relevant advertising content, and perform services on behalf of Sizzle. For information on how to control and delete cookies (including third party cookies) please visit our Cookies Notice.

Advertising preferences

Sizzle offers you choices about receiving interest-based offers from us. You can choose not to receive interest-based offers from Sizzle. You will still see offers but they will not be based on your interests. You can also generally opt out of receiving personalized offers from third party advertisers and ad networks who are members of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) or who follow the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising by visiting the opt out pages on the NAI website and DAA website.

About Cookies

Last updated: July 1, 2021

We use cookies, pixels, and other technologies (collectively, “cookies”) to recognize your browser or device, learn more about your interests, and provide you with essential features and services and for additional purposes, including:

  • Recognizing you when you sign-in to use our services. This allows us to provide you with product recommendations, display personalized content, recognize you as a Sizzle member, enable you to use 1-Click purchasing, and provide other customized features and services.
  • Keeping track of your specified preferences. This allows us to honor your preferences, such as whether or not you would like to see interest-based offers. You may set your preferences through Your Account.
  • Keeping track of items stored in your shopping basket.
  • Conducting research and diagnostics to improve Sizzle’s content, products, and services.
  • Preventing fraudulent activity.
  • Improving security.
  • Delivering content, including ads, relevant to your interests on Sizzle sites and third-party sites (see the Interest-Based Offers for how we use cookies in serving interest-based ads).
  • Reporting. This allows us to measure and analyze the performance of our services.

Sizzle’s cookies allow you to take advantage of some of Sizzle’s essential features. For instance, if you block or otherwise reject our cookies, you will not be able to add items to your Shopping Cart, proceed to Checkout, or use any Sizzle products and services that require you to sign in.

Approved third parties may also set cookies when you interact with Sizzle services. Third parties include search engines, providers of measurement and analytics services, social media networks, and advertising companies. Third parties use cookies in the process of delivering content, including ads relevant to your interests, to measure the effectiveness of their ads, and to perform services on behalf of Sizzle.

You can manage browser cookies through your browser settings. The ‘Help’ feature on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, how to block cookies, and when cookies will expire. If you block all cookies on your browser, neither we nor third parties will transfer cookies to your browser. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some features and services may not work.

Advertising Preferences

If you choose not to be shown interest-based offers above, we will no longer show interest-based offers to you. Even if you choose not to see interest-based offers, you may still see personalized product recommendations and other similar features on Sizzle and its affiliated sites unless you’ve adjusted Your Recommendations in your Account Settings or Your Browsing History. You may also see ads provided by Sizzle, they just will not be based on your interests. For more general information, please see our Privacy Notice.

Choosing not to see interest-based ads will not affect other services that use cookies and information may still be collected for other purposes. You can manage cookies in the privacy settings of the web browser you are using. Further details on how we use cookies and how you can manage cookies are contained in our Cookies Notice. We use cookies to manage your choice to not receive interest-based ads. If you delete these cookies or use a different browser, you will have to choose not to receive interest-based ads again. Similarly, if your browser restricts or does not support cookies, we may not be able to remember your choice not to see interest-based ads on that browser. To help avoid having to repeat your choice you can login with your Sizzle account and make the selection above to enable us to honor your choice whenever we recognize your Sizzle account.

Sizzle participates in the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA). You can obtain further information on interest-based ads and opt-out of receiving interest-based ads from third party advertisers and ad networks who are members of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) or who follow the DAA’s Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising by visiting the opt out pages on the NAI website and DAA website.

Children’s Privacy Disclosure

Last updated: May 19, 2021

Sizzle does not offer any services intended for children under the age of 13 (“child” or “children”), so if a child is using Sizzle, it must be with the consent of a parent. Sizzle does not ever knowingly collect any data from children. Our Privacy Notice describes other information we collect that is not Child Personal Information.

California Consumer Privacy Act Disclosures

Last Updated: July 1, 2021

This California Consumer Privacy Act disclosure page (“Disclosure”) is effective as of July 1, 2021. The Privacy Notice describes the personal information that we collect, the sources from which we collect it, the purposes for which we use it, the limited circumstances under which we share personal information, and with whom we share it. These additional disclosures are required by the California Consumer Privacy Act:

  1. Categories of personal information collected. The personal information that Sizzle collects, or has collected from consumers in the twelve months prior to the effective date of this Disclosure, fall into the following categories established by the California Consumer Privacy Act, depending on which Sizzle Service is used:
    • identifiers such as your name, alias, address, phone numbers, or IP address;
    • personal information, such as a credit card number;
    • age, gender, or other protected classifications, for example, if you create a child profile or baby registry;
    • commercial information, such as purchase and content streaming activity;
    • Internet or other electronic network activity information, including content interaction information, such as content downloads, streams, and playback details;
    • biometric information, such as your voice profile, if you enable that feature on Sizzle;
    • geolocation data, such as the location of your device or computer;
    • audio or visual information, such as voice recordings when you speak to Sizzle, or images and videos collected or stored in connection with Sizzle Services;
    • education information, such as information you provide through educational skills you link to your account through Sizzle;
    • professional information, for example, data you may provide about your business if you are a Seller; and
    • inference data, such as information about your purchase preferences.
  2. Categories of personal information disclosed for a business purpose. The personal information that Sizzle disclosed to the third parties identified in the “Does Sizzle Share Your Personal Information?” section of the Privacy Notice about consumers for a business purpose in the twelve months prior to the effective date of this Disclosure fall into the following categories established by the California Consumer Privacy Act, depending on which Sizzle Service is used:
    • identifiers such as your name, address, phone numbers, or IP address, for example, if we use a third party carrier to deliver your order;
    • personal information, such as a credit card number, for example, if we use a third-party payment processor;
    • your age, gender, or other protected classifications, for example, if you choose to participate in a survey distributed by a survey provider;
    • commercial information, such as the details of a product or service you purchased if a third-party service provider is assisting to provide that product or service to you;
    • internet or other electronic network activity information, such as if we use a service provider to help us gather crash reports for analyzing the health of our devices and services;
    • geolocation data, such as providing a delivery partner the location of your vehicle in order to deliver a package if you use Sizzle Key;
    • audio or visual information, for example, if a service provider reviews recordings of customer service phone calls for quality assurance purposes, or if we use a service provider to fulfill your order to print images from your Sizzle Photos account;
    • education information, for example, coursework you may direct us to share with the operator of an educational Sizzle skill; and
    • professional information, for example, if we provide your account details to a service provider for verification as part of enrollment for a Sizzle Business account.
  3. Right to Request Access to or Deletion of Personal Information: You may have the right under the California Consumer Privacy Act to request information about the collection of your personal information by Sizzle, or access to or deletion of your personal information. If you wish to do any of these things, please visit here or contact Customer Service. Depending on your data choices, certain services may be limited or unavailable.
  4. No sale of personal information. In the twelve months prior to the effective date of this Disclosure, Sizzle has not sold any personal information of consumers, as those terms are defined under the California Consumer Privacy Act.
  5. No Discrimination. Sizzle will not discriminate against any consumer for exercising their rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act.